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Module: Database Manager


Create Importer module

Imports data using the dataset description files


Name Type Description Default
data_structures DatasetDescriptions

DatasetDescriptions object describing the different datasets

use_sample bool

boolean indicating whether a sample can be used

use_preprocessed_files bool

boolean indicating that preprocessed files can be used



Example without sample and preprocessed files

>>> from promg.modules.data_importer import Importer
>>> # set dataset name
>>> dataset_name = 'BPIC17'
>>> # location of json file with dataset_description
>>> ds_path = Path(f'json_files/{dataset_name}_DS.json')
>>> dataset_descriptions = DatasetDescriptions(ds_path)
>>> importer = Importer(data_structures = dataset_descriptions)
The module to import data is returned.
The module won't use a sample, nor the preprocessed files

Example with sample and preprocessed files

>>> from promg.modules.data_importer import Importer
>>> # set dataset name
>>> dataset_name = 'BPIC17'
>>> # location of json file with dataset_description
>>> ds_path = Path(f'json_files/{dataset_name}_DS.json')
>>> dataset_descriptions = DatasetDescriptions(ds_path)
>>> importer = Importer(data_structures = dataset_descriptions,
>>>                     use_sample = True,
>>>                     use_preprocessed_files = True)
The module to import data is returned.
The module will use the sample and the preprocessed files
if they exist, in case they do not exist, they are created


Method that imports the data records into the graph database as (:Record) nodes. The records contain the attributes as described in the dataset descriptions. Method also adds the specific record labels as specified by the semantic header.


>>> importer.import_data()
The records of the dataset described in the dataset descriptions are imported as (:Record) nodes with
appropriate attributes and labels